Archive for the ‘Release’ Category.

Release of BlueZ 5.48

This is a long due release which brings many fixes and feature enhancements. Some notable enhancements include support for devices with the BLE battery service, as well as improved Mesh support in the meshctl tool. Several previously experimental D-Bus APIs have now been marked as stable, notably the Advertising Manager API as well as the AquireWrite & AquireNotify GATT APIs.

As far as fixes go, these can be found in many areas of the stack, including A2DP, AVCTP, device discovery, Mesh, and GATT.


Release of BlueZ 5.47

This release contains various fixes to GATT, A2DP and BR/EDR vs LE bearer handling. There’s also a notable SDP fix for CVE-2017-1000250 (part of the recently announced BlueBorne vulnerabilities).

Feature-wise, there’s now support for adding the appearance and local name to advertising data through the Advertising D-Bus interface. The btmon tool is now also able to better decode most Bluetooth 5.0 HCI commands and events.

The Bluetooth Mesh Profile specification was released recently, and this BlueZ release comes with initial support for it in the form of a new meshctl tool. Using this tool it’s possible to provision mesh devices through the GATT Provisioning Bearer (PB-GATT), as well as communicate with them (e.g. configure them) using the GATT Proxy protocol.


Release of BlueZ 5.46

This release contains several improvements to GATT support. In particular, there are new D-Bus methods which let an application get a dedicated file descriptor to read/write data from/to a GATT characteristic. There are also fixes in some other areas, such as OBEX and SDP. The release fixes also compiler warnings/errors that show up with GCC 7 (found e.g. in Fedora 26).


Release of BlueZ 5.45

This is mostly a bugfix release with fixes in ATT, GATT, OBEX and AVDTP. Feature-wise there are some new things as well, such as btmon support decoding Bluetooth 5.0 HCI commands and events.


Release of BlueZ 5.44

It’s been awhile since the last BlueZ release, but now we finally have another one out. Most of the fixes are LE (specifically GATT) related, however a some other areas are affected as well. Feature-wise, there’s a new MIDI plugin and support for using single-mode (LE-only) controllers that lack a public address (therefore necessitating the use of a static random identity address). E.g. any nRF5x controller running a MyNewt or Zephyr based firmware falls into this category.


Release of BlueZ 5.43

This is almost purely a bug-fix release with fixes to HoG, ATT and PAN. There’s also a fix for a regression in 5.42 that caused connection failures for external profiles like OBEX. Feature-wise there’s one notable addition: LE privacy. By enabling this in main.conf it’s now possible to make BlueZ generate a local Identity Resolving Key (IRK) and use Resolvable Private Addresses (RPAs) for itself.


Release of BlueZ 5.42

The major API change with this release is that the GATT D-Bus API is no longer marked as experimental.This should hopefully encourage the creation of more applications using it. Feature-wise, btmon received support for decoding full mgmt message traces – a feature that is available in the bluetooth-next kernel tree, i.e. on its way to the 4.9 kernel release. In addition to these changes, this release contains also fixes in areas such as PBAP, transport selection (BR/EDR vs LE), ATT and A2DP.


Release of BlueZ 5.41

BlueZ 5.41 is purely a bug-fix release targeting areas such as GATT, AVRCP,  OBEX and device discovery filters. The GATT D-Bus API is now starting to be stable enough that this will likely be the last release where it is flagged as experimental.
