Release of BlueZ 5.30

The highlight of this release is the completion of the GATT D-Bus APIs. We’ve now got both the client and server functionality in place, however it’s still behind the -E (–experimental) command line switch. The API is documented in doc/gatt-api.txt and there are several test tools for it in the tree (even bluetoothctl has support  for it). Another new (and still experimental) D-Bus API that debuts with this release is one for managing LE Advertising, i.e. acting in peripheral role. The API is documented in doc/advertising-api.txt.

Besides the new features, there are several fixes to AVCTP, AVDTP & AVRCP. There’s also a fix for C++ compiler compatibility with the library headers as well as a fix for device information not being stored in certain corner cases.

On the Android side a notable addition is support for the Android 5.1 GATT MTU exchange API.
